Today we have a WINNING recipe for you so that you can be FIT FOR DUTY and FIT FOR LIFE!

Today’s WINNING recipe to meet Coach JC’s 10 WINNING Habits is Summertime Salad, Where are my veggies? Where is my protein?


  • 2 Cans of organic chick peas (Drained and rinsed)
  • 1 Can of black olives (Chopped)
  • 1 Green bell pepper (Chopped)
  • 1 Red bell pepper (Chopped)
  • 1/2 Red onion (Diced/chopped)
  • Bundle of Cilantro (Diced)
  • 1/2 Lemon (Squeezed)
  • Salt and Pepper for tasting

Directions for preparation:

  • Start off with 2 cans of organic chick peas. Drain and rinse them and then throw them in a big bowl.
  • Add a can of sliced black olives, a chopped up red and/or green bell pepper, red onion diced up, cilantro chopped, and a small package of feta cheese (optional).
  • Throw all of this into a bowl and mix it thoroughly and set aside while you mix your topping.
  • In a separate bowl place 2 squeezed lemons (juice minus the seeds) and some olive oil, salt and pepper to your taste liking. Mix this up really good.
  • Pour your chick pea salad that you set aside into the mix and mix all of the ingredients together really good again.

*For the best results, make it an hour ahead of time and place in the fridge for an hour or 2, then serve!

And there you have it…

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