Oct 25, 2019 | Family, Focus, Heroes Video Cast
Quick Setup: Step 1: Clink on the link below to create your FREE account: http://www.fitfirstresponders.com/login?page_id=31663239&page_key=efv4jcps835k11ah&page_hash=35456f98fbb&login_redirect=1 Step 2: Setup personal...
Aug 1, 2019 | Focus, Weekly Gameplan
LET IT GO! This week in the FIT FIRST RESPONDER Book – CHAPTER 15, Coach JC inspires and motivates you to LET IT GO! Any and everything that has held you back in your past, LET IT GO! YOU have a past, WE ALL have a past. Your past can be your worst enemy or...
Jul 24, 2019 | Focus, Weekly Gameplan
I’M DONE! This week in the FIT FIRST RESPONDER Book – CHAPTER 14, Coach JC inspires and motivates you to tell yourself “I’M DONE!” Done with the NEGATIVITY, done with the LACK, done with the TOXICITY in your life! What NEGATIVE INFLUENCES are...