Jan 21, 2019 | A Hero's Testimony, Family
Terry Sivadon is a 49 year old Firefighter (Captain). He has been participating in Fit First Responders since April 30, 2015. Terry’s favorite aspect of FFR is the group workout. This has been very motivating for Terry, and he finds it hard to get motivated and...
Jan 15, 2019 | A Hero's Testimony, Family
Stewart Andrew is 29 years old and and is an EMSA Paramedic and Tulsa Fire Fighter. Stewart’s favorite aspect of Fit First Responders is the life long friendships he has built with first responders for the different services. As one of the top finalist in the 25 Week...
Jan 7, 2019 | Family, Weekly Gameplan
This article is courtesy of Firehouse | Find Original Article here. As a first responder, it’s your duty to be your best. You are a warrior, and every single day you MUST be ready for battle. Why? Because your life is on the line. I believe in you being your best, not...
Oct 30, 2018 | Family, Heroes Video Cast
CONGRATULATIONS! The 2018 FFR FIT FOR DUTY FIT FOR LIFE 25 WEEK CHALLENGE is officially IN THE BOOKS! Congratulations to the following: Dillon Youngblood Tulsa Fire Department 1st Place $10,000 THE FITTEST FIRST RESPONDER Winner Isaac Wall Tulsa Police Department MALE...
Jun 5, 2018 | Family, Heroes Video Cast
Here is your NEW Podcast/Videocast! Coach JC & Coach Isaac bring you new content to be more FIT FOR DUTY and more FIT FOR LIFE. Directly from FFR HQ’s NEW casting studio! Listen and get INSPIRED to DO MORE and BE MORE! YOU ARE FIT FOR DUTY! YOU ARE FIT FOR...