This week in the FIT FIRST RESPONDER Book – CHAPTER 13, Coach JC inspires and motivates you to BE YOUR BEST! DON’T LET THESE WORDS BARE MINIMAL WEIGHT!
So many times in life we set a GOAL to be our best in EVERYTHING WE DO. But lets be real, a lot of times we fall short of our own expectations, what we know is best.
The reality is, BEING YOUR BEST requires YOU to perform ONE ACTION AT A TIME to the BEST OF YOUR ABILITY! It doesn’t mean you perform some things at 80% effort because another thing will require 100% effort. REMEMBER, NOT EVERYTHING IN LIFE IS CERTAIN! SO if you do something, BE YOUR BEST AT IT, GIVE IT YOUR MAXIMUM EFFORT!
BE YOUR BEST AT… Being a dad
BE YOUR BEST AT… Being a mom
BE YOUR BEST AT… Fulfilling your calling as a first responder
BE YOUR BEST AT… Helping others
BE YOUR BEST AT… Saving lives
BE YOUR BEST AT…Forgiving those who have hurt you
BE YOUR BEST AT… Forgiving yourself
“Are you willing to sacrifice what you want the MOST IN LIFE for what you want at the moment?” – Coach JC
TAKE ACTION and ask yourself:
- What do I want most in life? Physically? Mentally? Emotionally? Spiritually? In your Relationship? In your Finances? Professionally?
- What choices have I made that compromised who I am and what I stand for?
- In what area of my life do I need to “dig deep” and take back control so the I can BE MY BEST?
It may be tough to do this, but BE REAL WITH YOURSELF and LIVE THE LIFE YOU WANT!
Starting today, I make the decision that my life is valuable and that I am worth the best. I will no linger compromise, and I will no longer accept anything else but MY GREATNESS. I will cut ties with all excuses, idols, relationships, and all those things in my life that are holding me back from being my best!